Source code for wooper.expect

.. module:: expect
   :synopsis: Expectations

Expectation helper functions are receiving response object
(for example from `requests <>`_ lib)
as first argument.
These helpers make testing API response bodies and headers easy with minimal
time and effort.

.. moduleauthor:: Yauhen Kirylau <>


from .assertions import (
    assert_equal, assert_not_equal,
    assert_in, assert_not_in)
from .general import (
    parse_json_input, parse_json_response, apply_path, get_body,
    assert_and_print_body, WooperAssertionError, fail_and_print_body)

[docs]def expect_status(response, code): """ checks if response status equals given code :param int code: Expected status code """ assert_and_print_body( response, assert_equal, code, response.status_code, "Status code not matches.")
[docs]def expect_status_in(response, codes): """ checks if response status equals to one of the provided :param list codes: List of valid status codes """ assert_and_print_body( response, assert_in, response.status_code, codes, "Status code not matches.")
[docs]def expect_json(response, expected_json, path=None): """ checks if json response equals some json, :param expected_json: JSON object to compare with :type expected_json: str, list, dict :param path: Path inside response json, separated by slashes, ie 'foo/bar/spam', 'foo/[0]/bar' :type path: str, optional """ expected_json = parse_json_input(expected_json) json_response = apply_path(parse_json_response(response), path) assert_equal(expected_json, json_response, "JSON not matches")
[docs]def expect_json_match(response, expected_json, path=None): """ checks if json response partly matches some json, :param expected_json: JSON object to compare with :type expected_json: str, list, dict :param path: Path inside response json, separated by slashes, ie 'foo/bar/spam', 'foo/[0]/bar' :type path: str, optional """ def _json_match(response_data, expected_data, message): if isinstance(response_data, dict): for key in expected_data: assert_in(key, response_data) _json_match(response_data[key], expected_data[key], message) elif isinstance(response_data, list): for expected_item in expected_data: found = False for response_item in response_data: try: _json_match(response_item, expected_item, message) except WooperAssertionError: pass else: found = True break assert_equal(found, True) else: assert_equal(expected_data, response_data) expected_json = parse_json_input(expected_json) json_response = apply_path(parse_json_response(response), path) try: _json_match(json_response, expected_json, "") except WooperAssertionError: fail_and_print_body(response, "JSON not matches")
[docs]def expect_json_contains(response, expected_json, path=None, reverse_expectation=False): """ checks if json response contains some json subset, :param expected_json: JSON object to compare with :type expected_json: str, list, dict :param path: Path inside response json, separated by slashes, ie 'foo/bar/spam', 'foo/[0]/bar' :type path: str, optional """ assert_item = assert_equal assert_sequence = assert_in key_message = "JSON response does not contain such key" value_message = "JSON response does not contain such value" if reverse_expectation: assert_item = assert_not_equal assert_sequence = assert_not_in key_message = "JSON response contains such key" value_message = "JSON response contains such value" expected_json = parse_json_input(expected_json) json_response = apply_path(parse_json_response(response), path) if isinstance(expected_json, dict) and isinstance(json_response, dict): for key in expected_json.keys(): if not reverse_expectation: assert_and_print_body( response, assert_sequence, key, json_response, key_message) assert_and_print_body( response, assert_item, expected_json[key], json_response[key], value_message) else: assert_and_print_body( response, assert_sequence, expected_json, json_response, value_message)
[docs]def expect_json_not_contains(response, expected_json, path=None): """ checks if json response not contains some json subset, :param expected_json: JSON object to compare with :type expected_json: str, list, dict :param path: Path inside response json, separated by slashes, ie 'foo/bar/spam', 'foo/[0]/bar' :type path: str, optional """ return expect_json_contains(response, expected_json, path, reverse_expectation=True)
[docs]def expect_headers_contain(response, header, value=None): """ checks if response headers contain a given header :param str header: Expected header name. :param value: Expected header value. :type value: str, optional """ assert_in(header, response.headers, "No such header in response.") if value: assert_equal(value, response.headers[header], "Header value not matches.")
[docs]def expect_headers(response, headers, partly=False): """ checks if response headers values are equal to given :param dict headers: Dict with headers and their values, like { "Header1": "ExpectedValue1" } :param partly: Compare full header value or check if the value includes expected one. :type partly: bool, optional """ for header, value in headers.items(): expect_headers_contain(response, header) if partly: assert_in(value.lower(), response.headers[header].lower(), "Header not matches.") else: assert_equal(value.lower(), response.headers[header].lower(), "Header not matches.")
[docs]def expect_json_length(response, length, path=None): """ checks if count of objects in json response equals provided length, :param int length: Expected number of objects inside json or length of the string :param path: Path inside response json, separated by slashes, ie 'foo/bar/spam', 'foo/[0]/bar' :type path: str, optional """ json_response = apply_path(parse_json_response(response), path) assert_in(type(json_response), (list, dict), "'{}' isn't json.".format(json_response)) assert_equal(length, len(json_response), "JSON objects count not matches.")
[docs]def expect_body_contains(response, text): """ checks if response body contains some text :param str text: Expected text """ assert_in(text, get_body(response), "Body not contains '{}'.".format(text))